McLeod Research Group Guidelines access here
McLeod Research Group Code of Conduct access here
Undergraduate Teaching Associate Guidelines (for Petrology) access here
Graduate Teaching Associate Guidelines (for Petrology) access here
Former Graduate Students
Dr. Liannie C. Velázquez-Santana
PhD Program start: Fall 2018. Graduation: Summer 2022.
Current position: Post Doctoral Research Fellow, University Colorado, Boulder.
Thesis Title: Insights into Trans Crustal Magmatic Systems: A Framework for Investigating Arc Magmatism at the Bolivian Andes
Velázquez Santana, L. C., McLeod C. L., Blakemore, D., Shaulis, B., Hill, T. (2020). Bolivian Hornblendite Cumulates: Insights into the Depths of Central Andean Arc Magmatic Systems. Lithos, 370-371; 105618.
Select Conference Contributions
Geological Society of America (GSA)
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Select Grants and Awards
NAGT Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
ExxonMobil/GSA Graduate Student Research Grant
NAGT Student Academic Career Prep Fund Award
GSA MGPV Division Student Travel Grant
GSA Student Professional Development Pathways Travel Award
Graduate Teaching Assistant Roles
GLG 111, The Dynamic Earth (Full semester instructor on record, Spring 22')
GLG 111, The Dynamic Earth (Grader)
GLG 201, Mineralogy
GLG 357, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
GLG 411/511, Field Camp (5-week capstone course)
Jared Brum
MS Program start: Fall 2020. Graduation: May 2022.
Current position: Project Manager at Layne, A Granite Company, OH.
Thesis Title: New Insights into the Petrogenesis of Lunar Meteorite Allan Hills 81005 (ALHA 81005)
Conference Contributions
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC)
Grants and Awards
NASA Space Grant College Fellowship (MS): Ohio Space Grant Consortium
Miami Graduate School Thesis Research Funding Award
Graduate Teaching Assistant Roles
GLG 141, Geology of U. S. National Parks (Grader)
GLG 204, Survival on an Evolving Planet​
GLG 244, Oceanography (Grader)
Daniel Blakemore (co-advised with Dr. Krekeler)
MS Program start: Fall 2018. Graduation: Summer 2020.
Current position: PhD candidate, University of Michigan
Thesis Title: Insights into the History of Pyrite Mineralization at the Round Mountain Gold Mine, Nevada: A Detailed Microanalytical Study of the Type 2 Ore
Conference Contributions
Geological Society of America (GSA)​
NAGT Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
Graduate Teaching Assistant Roles
GLG 111, The Dynamic Earth (Grader)
GLG 115L, Understanding the Earth (Instructor of Record)
GLG 141, Geology of U. S. National Parks (Grader)
GLG 357, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
Maureen (Mo) Haley
MS Program start: Fall 2016. Graduation: Winter 2019.
Current position: Materials Test Technician, Advanced Technology Laboratories, Inc, Lockheed Martin Research and Development Center, OH, USA
Thesis Title: Mineralogical Perspectives: Using Mineral Chemistry to Unravel the Magmatic Architecture of Granitic Batholiths
Conference Contributions
Geological Society of America (GSA)​
Grants and Awards
American Geophysical Union Virtual Poster Showcase, 2nd place
Graduate Teaching Assistant Roles
GLG 115L, Understanding the Earth (Instructor of Record)
GLG 121, Environmental Geology (Grader)
GLG 307, Water and Society (Grader)
GLG 357, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
Richard (RJ) Brydon
MS Program start: Fall 2016. Graduation: Winter 2019.
Current position: Geologist, Tetra Tech, Virginia, USA.
Thesis Title: Tracing Magmatic Processes in Plutonic Environments: Insights from Apatite and Rift-Related Granites.
Conference Contributions
Geological Society of America (GSA)​
Grants and Awards
Evolving Earth Foundation​ Student Research Grant
Graduate Teaching Assistant Roles
GLG 111, Environmental Geology (Grader)
GLG 115L, Understanding the Earth (Instructor of Record)
Current Graduate Students
Aleksandra (Aleks) Gawronska (PhD candidate)
Current role: Postdoctoral Fellow, NASA Goddard
Program start: Fall 2018. Graduation: May 2023
Undergraduate institution: University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
Thesis Title: An Investigation of the Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Apollo Lunar Basalts: Insights from 2D and 3D Perspectives.
Conference Contributions
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC)
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Interactive poster linked here
Select grants and awards​
NASA FINESST Graduate Research Award (2022-2023)
AGU Lawrence A. Taylor Research Award in Petrology and Geochemistry
GSA Graduate Student Research Grant
Lunar Planetary Institute Career Development Award
Graduate Teaching Assistant Roles
GLG 111, The Dynamic Earth (grader)
GLG 115L, Understanding the Earth (Instructor of Record)
GLG 357, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
Alex Schweitzer (former MS student)
Current role: Research Scientist, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Program start: Fall 2021. Graduation: Summer 2023
Undergraduate institution: Boise State University, Idaho, USA
Thesis Title: Investigating the Petrogenesis of Lunar Basaltic Breccias: Insights from Meteorite Dominion Range (DOM) 18543
Conference Contributions
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC)
Graduate Teaching Assistant Roles
GLG 204, Survival on an Evolving Planet​
GLG 357, Field trip teaching assistant to Missouri (April 20th-23rd, 2022)
GLG 411/511, Field Camp (5-week capstone course)
Azadeh Sedaghat (PhD candidate)
Program start: Fall 2022. Anticipated graduation: May/Summer 2027
Undergraduate institution: Shiraz University, Iran
Thesis Title: Evaluating the nature of open magmatic systems in continental arc environments: a petrological and microgeochemical study of Andean backarc products​
Conference Contributions
North-Central Geological Society of America Conference
Current Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate Teaching Assistants: Fall 2022 and 2023
Zachary Ellia (2022, 2023)
Katie Caudill (2022)
Sam Kerr (2022)
Zachary (Katie, and Sam) assisted in the delivery of student-centered, active-learning assignments in a large introductory geoscience course in Fall 2022.
Course: GLG 111, The Dynamic Earth (90 students)
This course provides an introduction to physical geology, which is the study of the Earth and the processes that govern its behavior. Undergraduate TA positions provide opportunities for students to enrich their educational experiences while simultaneously supporting faculty and providing greater individualized support of enrolled students than might otherwise be possible.
Former Undergraduate Students
Mackenzie (Ruthy) Rutherford
Current role: Research Scientist, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Graduation: Spring 2022
Undergraduate Research Project: Teacher Perspectives of the Earth Sciences in the High School Curriculum throughout Ohio
Conference Contributions
Geological Society of America (GSA)
Grants and Awards
Miami University President's Distinguished Service Award
AIPG National Undergraduate Scholarship
GSA Expanding Representation in Geosciences Scholarship
Jessica (Jesse) Patrick
Graduation: Spring 2021
MS student, Auburn University (Economic Geology), 2021-2023
Undergraduate Research Project: Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Shoshone Granite at the Round Mountain Gold Mine, Nevada
Conference Contributions
Geological Society of America (GSA)
Grants and Awards
Miami University Undergraduate Summer Scholarship
Miami University College of Arts and Science Dean’s Scholar
Miami University Provost’s Student Academic Achievement Award
GSA J. David Lowell Field Camp Scholarship
AEG Norman R. Tilford Field Study Scholarship
Ohio EPA Scholarship
Raghad Al Gbory
Graduation: Spring 2021
Current position: Wellsite Geologist, Columbine Corporation, Midland, TX, USA
Undergraduate Research Project: Evaluating the origin of amphibole crystal populations in Central Andean magmatic systems
Conference Contributions
Geological Society of America (GSA)
Grants and Awards
Miami University Undergraduate Research Award
Jennifer (Jenn) Davis
Graduation: Spring 2020
Current position: PhD Candidate, University of Colorado, Boulder
Undergraduate Research Project: Investigating the Crystal Cargoes of Lunar Basaltic Magmas: Application of Crystal Size Distribution Analysis to Apollo 12 Basalts
Conference Contributions
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC)​
Grants and Awards
AIPG National Undergraduate Scholarship
Andrew Bollinger
Graduation: Spring 2020
Current position: PhD Candidate, Michigan State University
Undergraduate Research Project: U-Pb zircon geochronology of the western Wyoming Crustal Basement
Conference Contributions
Geological Society of America (GSA)​
Grants and Awards
Miami University Undergraduate Summer Scholarship
North Central GSA Student Travel Grant
2019-2020 President of Miami University Geological Society (MUGS)
David Beka Binyam and Ciara Childers
Graduation: Fall 2018
Current positions:
David - GIS Technician, Duke Energy
Ciara - Project Geologist, Jett Environmental Consulting
Collaborative Undergraduate Research Project: Petrology and Geochemistry of the Quillacas Volcanic Center, Andean Central Volcanic Zone
Conference Contributions
Geological Society of America (GSA)​
Grants and Awards
Cincinnati Mineral Society Education Scholarships (jointly awarded)
GSA Onto The Future Program participant (David)